Warcradle Studios is the publishing arm of the British online retailer Wayland Games. As I understand it, Warcradle was set up when Wayland purchased the Wild West Exodus ("WWX") brand from Outlaw Miniatures, itself founded to publish WWX by Romeo Filip of Battlefoam fame. Warcradle has been reworking the first edition that Outlaw put out in 2013 but a new hardcover rulebook remains elusive. This might have something to do with Wayland more recently also acquiring the Dystopian Wars brand from now-defunct publisher Spartan Games, as WWX 2E is actually now set in that universe. In any case, WWX 2E is currently playable out of an A4-sized softcover rulebook that can be purchased alone or with a starter set that also includes miniatures, dice, and tokens.
All of this to say, WWX remains in a somewhat transitional state. Even finding pics of models (as opposed to renders) can be tough. So I thought I would post the figures I am currently working on from the Armoured Law Posse Set. This set comes with Morgan Earp (who is the "Boss" of the warband), as well as some robot deputies and dogs. The dogs are in plastic but everything else is resin. The resin figs are extremely crisp and I didn't have any trouble with them. The plastic dogs suffer from a lot pf mold lines and some sprue channels located less than optimally.